Turn a Dollar Tree Tray into $50

We all go through it. We make something that we think is spectacular only to have it sit in inventory for a long time. As artists, we need to be able to sell our creations in order to continue our art journey. I have used many of the molds you find on Amazon. I happen to be lucky enough to have a shop where I can put my pieces, for as long as I want, and sell them. This enables me to see what sells best. 

This tray has been one of our best sellers for a couple of years at our shop. Typically people want them for unique rolling trays or dab trays, but that’s because that is how I design and market them. These trays are cheap to get, easy to make, and easy to sell. The ease of sale is directly related to how the tray looks. So make sure your design elements look good together. Feel free to copy me exactly to get a hang of it. I would love to see your version of this tray! 

For this project, I have:

1) 2 metal Dollar Tree trays 


2) Puduo Resin


3) Glow Pigment


4) UV Reactive Pigment


5) Hand picked and pressed flowers

6) Stickers

7) Rose Quartz barrels and Quartz Points

8) UV Light – This can be sunlight, UV Flashlight, or UV Laser

Available in our shop now!

This project uses 220 ml per pour. Each tray gets approximately 100 ml each per layer. Each tray takes 2 layers, although you can add more if your design calls for it.

This project was streamed live on Instagram and Facebook. If you would like to see the original recording. We have live streams every Tuesday and Thursday nights. Catch our latest, or catch up on previous episodes on Instagram or Facebook.

The first coat is your base coat. It will contain your glow, UV, or whatever pigments you decide to use. I find that people are really attracted to the glow trays. With four different colors of glow, the possibilities are endless!

The second coat is your flood coat. Please be sure to read our special blog on mixing Puduo. There is important information on mixing this to get professional results!

By using different components to your tray, you can turn it into a ring tray, jewelry tray, or just a decorative tray. On these dab trays, I put a glass spoon for the wax and crystals to hold the pipe when done.

If you would like the UV Flashlight or any of the crystal products featured in this blog, you can contact me through messenger.

Visit the Puduo Family Website for exclusive deals on the Puduo Resin family of products.

Visit the Puduo Resin Store on Amazon for the fastest shipping.

Thank you for spending your time with us!

Watch how I do it: