Amazing Hack to Quickly Cure Puduo 1:1 Epoxy Resin
What is Quick Resin Curing?
Quick Resin Curing is a quick way of curing epoxy resin. When using a 1:1 ratio epoxy resin, it typically takes 8-10 hours to cure your product. This is quick compared to other epoxies which can take 24-72 hours before you can remove it from your mold. 2:1 and 3:1 epoxy is also available which typically take 48+ hours to cure. We will only be discussing the Puduo 1:1 Epoxy Resin in this blog.
A common mistake made by artists is not accurately measuring their product. Too much of Part B can lead to a runaway reaction which may ruin your project, and waste your time. To avoid this, make sure you measure carefully to ensure that you have the right amount of each part.
How Epoxy Resin Works
In epoxy resin, there is a component A and component B. When combined and mixed, they react to create a clear solid. This reaction takes 8-10 hours when you use Puduo Epoxy Resin. This epoxy formula is a 1:1 ratio epoxy. Puduo also carries a 2:1 resin for deep pours, and an anti-yellowing epoxy for outdoor applications. The anti-yellowing has an 8-10 hour cure time, and the deep pour 2:1 has a 24-72 hour cure time.
Once the epoxy has cured, it can be removed from the silicone mold and allowed to fully cure, on a flat surface, for 24-72 hours. The curing process is affected by the environment. At lower temperatures, curing will take longer than usual. Whereas high temperatures reduce the curing time.
Quick Curing Resin Projects in 2 Hours*
By introducing heat to your project, you will cure your project quicker. This can be done with a heating pad or a curing machine. I can’t recommend a heating pad because they vary widely and if you get it wrong, it will ruin your project. Luckily Puduo has solved this problem for us. The new Puduo Curing Machine will soon be here!
Here’s what they have told us so far:
1) In tests, they were able to remove their projects from the mold in 2 hours.
2) The unit is big enough to house a cup turner.
3) Adjustable temperature range from 95 – 160 F
4) Adjustable timer from 1 – 300 minutes
5) Adjustable fan for cooling after curing has completed
They have received a prototype and are currently testing it to see how it performs using different times and temperatures. They will use this data to come up with an informed instruction sheet so that we all know how to use it effectively. We will keep you updated on this exciting product!
Is This Product Suitable for Your Project?
This product will help you be more productive by giving you the ability to quickly produce your ideas and create as much as possible within your available time. If you want to get more done, this product is perfect for you.
Another plus to this product is that you will be able to use the curing space for more projects throughout the day. We have a small space available for curing, and when we are working on many projects, we will have to stop because there’s no more room to cure items. This will free up your curing space quicker and allow you to move on to your next project.
*Note: Only the Puduo 1:1 has been tested so far. The 2 hour curing time applies to the 1:1 formula. We will update you with the curing times for the other formulas as we test it.